
NaNoWriMo18: Day 9

By 9th November 2018 No Comments

Garlic vs Sauerkraut

Lebe Wohl, Mein Flandrisch' Mädchen from Zar und Zimmermann by Lortzing

Chapter 6 is another return to 1938.  I am trying to write the novel in the order as I want it to appear in the final version (if I ever get that far), but it’s quite difficult to write about Vienna when in Paris, so I think that tomorrow, I’ll jump ahead and write the Paris section, then return to the Vienna part later.  It is a bit bonkers to be assailed by the smells of garlic, crêpes and Gitanes, yet be writing about gingerbread, boiled pork and Sauerkraut.

Word Count : 1890

Cumulative: 17,844