
NaNoWriMo18: Day 13

By 13th November 2018 No Comments


M'Appari from Martha by Flotow

I’m more than halfway through in terms of words, but getting sloppy in my efforts to sustain the word output.  I wrote half a chapter from the point of view of my main character in the first person, when I suddenly remembered that her chapters are in the third person.  I still like the direction where the story is going, but I’m going to have to make some decisions soon about how to pull everything together.  I seem to remember that this was a problem I had last year.  At the moment, the manuscript reads like two disparate novels and #obvs, one of the characters in the historical part will transpire to be one of those in the contemporary part.  How many clues should the author give?  I don’t want one of those “Well, I saw that coming from page four” moments, but on the other hand, I don’t want the reader to say “Eh, where did that come from?”.  But hey, that’s the fun of NaNo – at least I can say I’ve written nearly 30k words, which is more than some people write in a lifetime.

Word Count : 2,041

Cumulative: 27,132