NaNoWriMo19 starts on Friday and I don't have much of a plot, but I've started the research.
Del28th October 2019
NaNoWriMo19 starts on Friday and I'm less prepared than I was last year, but very excited about taking part for the 4th year running.
Del27th October 2019
Refugee politics in Switzerland was complicated in 1938, I've had to buy a book to help make sense of it ...
Del26th November 2018
Despite many other calls on my time this month, I've managed to win NaNo - and with a few days to spare!
Del25th November 2018
Quick change of address as I realised ny character needs to live in the Russian Zone and she's currently in the French one.
Del21st November 2018
Whoever accompanies Eve to Vienna will drive the next part of the plot. Stay tuned ...
Del17th November 2018