We go back in time today to Eve’s years at boarding school, when she discovered that she had a truly creative streak. With the help of a generous Christmas presents – a guilt gift from her parents for sending her…
NaNo18 is trundling along nicely, and an early morning sprint enabled me to claim the 10k badge. Following yesterday’s killing spree, I’ve slowed down the pace, but need to be careful that all the details are relevant to the plot. …
A bit of an aberration today as I galloped off in the wrong direction, so a chunk of today's writing is now in the bin. But the plot has been rescued and we're back on track to win ...
It's good to be back. I'm pleased I decided to sign up again this year as I'd forgotten how uplifting it is to watch the Phantom Pen perform its magic.
First day of writing for NaNoWriMo 2018 and the prologue is in the bag. Always good to start with a funeral, as it provides endless possibilities for the rest of the plot.
16th December and we're celebrating the birthdays of Beethoven, Arthur C Clarke and Jane Austen. It is also the anniversary of the death of Wilhelm Grimm, the younger of the Brothers Grimm.
Born on this day (16th December 1770), Ludwig van Beethoven. One of my favourite composers, but he only wrote one opera. Those of you that have been following the exploits of the Phantom Pen during NaNoWriMo will know that…
Already missing NaNo, but the anniversary of Mozart's death provides an excuse to update the playlist. In memory of Wolfgang Amadeus (27th January 1756 to 5th December 1791)