
NaNoWriMo18: Day 1

By 31st October 2018 No Comments


Oh Meschina from Lucia di Lammermoor by Donizetti

The prologue is in the bag. We start our adventure with a funeral – always a good place to start as the author then has the choice of going back in time and recounting events that culminated in the funeral or using a death as the starting point for the rest of the tale. A funeral also has the added advantage of setting the scene for the inevitable deus ex machina that will be required towards the end of the novel to resolve the convoluted plot, which will no doubt get more and more intricate as the month wears on. In The Vienna Dossier, this is a letter that granny has left with the lawyer, for her heirs, to be opened after she’s been buried. At this point, I have no idea as to the contents of the letter, but I’m hoping they will reveal themselves at some point in the next thirty days.

Since the novel starts with a death, our playlist should do likewise. So our first track is from Lucia di Lammermoor, where Edgardo is told that Lucia will not see the “close of this dawning day”.

Day 1 Wordcount:  1837

Word Count : 1837