
NaNoWriMo18: Day 25

By 25th November 2018 No Comments

I've Won!

Walkürenritt from Die Walküre by Wagner

For the third year running, I’ve ‘won’ NaNoWriMo and I’m thrilled.  It’s been a particularly busy month on other fronts, but by writing at every opportunity, I’ve managed to get to 50,000 words with a few days to spare.  Despite the time pressures, in many ways this has been the easiest NaNo because I kept my plot really simple.  There’s a little twist at the end, but apart from that it’s very straightforward.  I’m going to keep going until the end of the month, though, because I want my ‘upload-30-days-in-a-row’ badge.  I don’t like gaps on my dashboard …

And a dramatic end needs dramatic music …

Word Count : 1,973

Cumulative: 50,475