
NaNoWriMo18: Day 4

By 4th November 2018 No Comments

I've Killed My Darling

Doux aveu! Ce tendre langage from Guillaume Tell by Rossini

I’d chosen The Vienna Dossier as a working title at the last moment, without giving any real thought to the plot.  I enjoyed not knowing, as I was able to build up the tension making the dossier more and more mysterious as I postponed the moment when its content would be revealed.  I woke up this morning with a flash of inspiration as to what the Vienna Dossier might be and raced ahead to produce a couple of thousand words, words that have now gone in the bin.  They read like a bad fusion of Enid Blyton (Five go to Vienna) and Dan Brown, without the potential of 80m sales.  I have now reverted to the idea that we are not going to find out what all this is about until the end.  That way, I can continue with the suspense and intrigue without the lashings of ginger beer.

I’ve been listening to Guillame Tell as background accompaniment, acting as a reminder that I’m trying to produce a work of great literature and not a plot where the characters are galloping through the coincidences like the Lone Ranger and Tonto.

Today's Word Count : 1699

Cumulative: 7257