


52 x 52 Week 2

If outdoor opera is magical, then outdoor operetta lakeside is utterly enchanting. Der Vogelhändler (Carl Zeller) at Mörbisch – a cast of thousands, a spectacle extraordinaire, lavish costumes, lavish scenery and a plot so complicated that I’m not even going…
20th August 2017

52 x 52 Week 1

Stone quarry, giant chandelier, stage-set, mostly red. Verdi’s Rigoletto. Breath-taking. There’s something magical about opera al fresco – unless, of course, it’s raining. Red symbolises “passionate love, seduction, violence, danger, anger, and adventure” ( And Rigoletto has it all. But…
13th August 2017
BlogSelected PostsThe Phantom Pen


I’m behind on my author confessions ... first of all, a holiday on a planet that didn’t have wifi (deepest joy), then zipping hither and thither with limited internet access (it is remarkable that so much of the UK still…
13th June 2017