With 23 days to go until NaNoWriMo 2017 we've had the call to upload details of our new novels. Working title and working cover reveal in this post.
Del8th October 2017
I’m behind on my author confessions ... first of all, a holiday on a planet that didn’t have wifi (deepest joy), then zipping hither and thither with limited internet access (it is remarkable that so much of the UK still…
Del13th June 2017
First day of April, first day of the A to Z blog challenge and first day at Camp NaNoWriMo. Already there are shades of my long ago camping days with the Girl Guides – my part of the cabin looks…
Del1st April 2017
Or at the side of the holy church, as temples didn’t feature on our morning perambulation, whereas a church is easy to find as you’re never far away from one in Vienna. Today’s choices are two magnificent pieces from La…
Del29th December 2016
Does a good novel need good sex? Some clearly do. Where would Lady Chatterley’s Lover be sans sex? Could 50 Shades of Grey work without any fornication? But for others, I do wonder if the sex has been added as…
Del6th November 2016