

2016BlogNaNoWriMoProgThe Phantom Pen

Moribund the Burgermeister

One of life’s many disappointments has been the refurbishment of the Walther König Buchhandlung in the Museums Quartier. This has traditionally been one of my first stops whenever I come to Vienna because of the array of interesting and unusual…
28th November 2016
2016BlogNaNoWriMoThe Phantom Pen


Today has been full of passion.  Passion for books (cataloguing and shelving my new purchases) and seeking passion for the novel. Let’s start with the new books and today’s pick from Paris is LNDN by Jens Masmann.  Even without the…
14th November 2016
2016BlogNaNoWriMoThe Phantom Pen

Forgotten Sons

Today is Remembrance Sunday and MisterMac and I have resplendent home-made poppies – thanks Cathryn!  Although the UK acknowledges 11/11 as Armistice Day, we still hold our major ceremonies on the nearest Sunday, unlike the French who hold their National…
13th November 2016