2016BlogNaNoWriMoProgThe Phantom Pen

Two Monkeys

By 23rd November 2016 No Comments

Actually, as the sharp-eyed amongst you will note, there is only one monkey … although I guess you can’t see any monkeys unless you know that the cheeky little hound is called Monkey – but there is no prog track called One Monkey, and I’m arguably even pushing the definition of prog to the limit by including Nosound on the list, but they appear in the progarchives and so that’ll do for me.

Early days yet, but we’re putting a show together for next year, and we are incredibly lucky and honoured that Monkey is going to curate it for us.  Monkey will be assisted by his ‘nan’, the marvellous Cheryl Newman … more to follow as we get closer to showtime!

The novelling continues unabated, but I’m finding that I’m having to get up earlier to keep my daily word-count on track.  If I do this again, I might keep more in reserve, but the NaNoWriMo dashboard is so seductive, you just have to aim for that next badge, and as I want the thirty-days-in-a-row badge, I’m continuing to write (although this is probably driven by the fact that the novel isn’t yet finished).  Tonight, the Phantom Pen will be packing its bags ready to head for Vienna tomorrow where the grand finale of the magnum opus takes place … at least in the literary world.  In the real world, something exciting will be taking place on Sunday … watch this space.

Two Monkeys from Afterthoughts by Nosound

NaBloPoMo November 2016